the Western Wall

Slichos, Elul, Kosel
In Pictures: Tens of thousands recite Slichos at the Kosel, begging Hashem for mercy

Mi K'Amcha Yisrael: Huge gathering at the Kosel for Elul 5784 Slichos

Gila Isaacson | 06.09.24

Scooter Braun Visited Israel

After the Visit to Gaza Strip Envelope: the Hollywood Producer Arrived at the Western Wall

The Jewish Hollywood producer Scooter Braun arrived in Israel last week for a visit of solidarity and close support, and did not forget to visit the Western Wall as well.

| Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23


A Prayer for the Well-being of the Soldiers was Spread on the Western Wall

A huge banner with a prayer for the well-being of the IDF soldiers has been hung on the Western Wall. Meanwhile, Psalms are continuously being recited for the success of the soldiers and for the well-being of the captives and the missing.

JFeed | 16.10.23

The Priestly Blessing

Sukkot at the Western Wall: This year there will be two classes of the traditional Priestly Blessing

Towards the holiday of Sukkot, and in response to the public's wish, the traditional Priestly Blessing will take place at the Western Wall on two dates. Additionally, sukkahs have been set up in the Western Wall Plaza for the benefit of the general public

JFeed | 27.09.23